June 1: dozens of municipalities take to the streets in defense of climate justice

June 1: dozens of municipalities take to the streets in defense of climate justice

  • Las organizaciones que componen Alianza por el Clima, entre las que se cuenta Ecologistas en Acción, efectúan un llamamiento a movilizarse por la justicia climática el próximo 1 de junio.
  • This call joins those that will be held in more than 10 European countries. In the Spanish State it will be carried out in several municipalities.
  • Climate Alliance considers that the next European cycle must accelerate social, economic and political transformations that allow us to achieve healthy ecosystems, sustainable and healthy food systems, food and energy sovereignty, liveable cities and quality public services as soon as possible without leaving anyone behind. .

Climate Alliance, a climate platform of which Ecologists in Action is a part, calls on citizens to participate in the rallies and demonstrations that will take place throughout the territory on June 1 in defense of climate justice.

The AEMET predicts that next summer will once again exceed temperature records and disasters derived from the climate emergency, which disproportionately affect the most disadvantaged sectors. However, while temperatures rise and extreme phenomena become more frequent and intense every day, the world's governments continue to fail to live up to what citizens and the scientific community demand.

June 1: dozens of municipalities take to the streets in defense of climate justice
June 1: dozens of municipalities take to the streets in defense of climate justice

All of this occurs in a turbulent political context, marked by growing militarization contrary to the climate and respect for human rights, which leaves the genocide in Gaza unpunished. Attacks against the measures necessary to protect people and the planet are also increasing, and climate policies are being implemented that turn their backs on the communities that inhabit the territories hardest hit by the climate emergency. In the framework of the European elections, it is worth remembering that the commitments of governments and the entire EU must be more ambitious, in order to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, as well as to prevent, mitigate and put an end to harmful practices by companies and organizations operating within and beyond European borders.

Para Alianza por el Clima, el tiempo se agota: “La ciencia demuestra que tenemos las soluciones necesarias para enfrentar la emergencia climática, ecológica y social en la que vivimos”. Sin embargo, “los grandes intereses fósiles insisten en efectuar negligentes declaraciones negacionistas, impulsar un lavado verde desastroso y propuestas que solo buscan un bloqueo de la acción climática para proteger sus beneficios”. Por ello, las organizaciones reunidas en torno a la plataformas climáticas internacionales llaman a toda la ciudadanía europea a reflexionar y a participar en las concentraciones convocadas para el próximo 1 de junio en más de 10 países europeos, para que su voz se escuche por encima de los bulos y el negacionismo.

Con estas acciones que se celebrarán en varios municipios se denunciarán los intentos de retroceder en materia climática, alejando una transformación justa y solidaria, que no deje a nadie atrás y quepa dentro de los límites del planeta. Esta es, según Alianza por el Clima, la única forma de garantizar a las personas y el resto de seres vivos un futuro que merezca la pena ser vivido. Para las organizaciones que forman parte de la plataforma, en los próximos años se deben acelerar las transformaciones sociales, económicas y políticas que permitan alcanzar lo más pronto posible ecosistemas sanos, sistemas alimentarios sostenibles y saludables, soberanía alimentaria y energética, ciudades habitables y servicios públicos de calidad.