Sukyband's new single, “El cuento de la luna creída que hizo desplantes a la humilde tierra”, released by the band from Extremadura, is the tenth in their first project, “Mi Guarida”.
Elsa Venra “Suky” and Juan Flores “Chino” are back to their old ways, presenting us with a video clip and a song full of metaphors and musically interpreted through counterpoint lines, which converge with mid-tempo funky rhythms, bluesy riffs and a powerful bass and drum groove. After their song “Ke no se respire miseria” where national rock predominates, the band embarks on a more alternative style, with powerful guitars and rhythmic bass lines.
As on other occasions, they are once again accompanied by a drummer from Extremadura: Fran Flores, from the group Hedeik, who brings contagious rhythmic patterns to the song, perfectly synchronized with the bass, and emphasizing the use of snare drum and bass drum in a precise and rhythmic way, making it surprising the air that the song takes on when performed by just a trio, this trio, which is in harmony in all aspects and which will surely offer us other future works.