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Reflexión Crítica sobre la Psicología, el Feminismo y la Comercialización del Dolor de las Mujeres Quiero compartir una reflexión
The alma mater of the channel and the mainstay of our content is everything that has to do with feminism and the actions that women do daily. Here you will find everything that is happening.
Reflexión Crítica sobre la Psicología, el Feminismo y la Comercialización del Dolor de las Mujeres Quiero compartir una reflexión
En los últimos años, el movimiento feminista en España ha experimentado una notable evolución en sus formas de expresión
Fuente de Crónica Global La asociación feminista CATAB protesta ante la sede de la ONU en Barcelona en solidaridad
Volvemos esta semana con nuestras Entrevistas al Fresquito. Hace 3 años del abandono de Afganistán y de las mujeres
Statement issued by grassroots associations that work with thousands of prostituted women around the world, survivors of
Like every year around this time we begin with the Fresquito Interviews program 01.24 ACHIEVED! Gambia rejects the project
Mexico is a country in perpetual crisis, the problems that arise from poor access to health, education
At least fifty years have passed since feminism began to denounce that women were murdered
We leave you El zarpazo de La Perry This week: They continue to murder us and our children too. Weekly
We attach two press releases from women's associations, denouncing events that have occurred these days: One about the
INVESTIGATION DOSSIER “Attempts to regularize prostitution in Spain” Exclusive investigative reports by Núria González López
We leave you the statement and video from CATAB, about the incidents at the #8M demonstration in Barcelona. The
Tuesday, February 5, 2024, 9:15 p.m. live, our #ElDecreto #8M Abolitionist gathering” This week in the gathering
This #8M2024 in #Barcelona come to the #Abolitionist calls and the only #NOMixtas with the colleagues from L'Escola AC
Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.