Follow the plenary session of the Congress of Deputies live starting at 3:00 p.m.
The plenary session will begin on Tuesday, at 3:00 p.m., with debates to take into consideration two legislative initiatives. Firstly, the initiative of the Republican Group that modifies Law 12/2013 on measures to improve the functioning of the food chain. Among other issues, the new wording seeks to “oblige people to pay prices at source that at least cover production costs” and prohibits the commercial practice of resale at a loss, as stated in the explanatory memorandum.
Subsequently, it will be decided whether to begin processing the Organic Law Proposal of the Socialist Group, which modifies the Penal Code to prohibit pimping. The proposed text indicates that, with the new regulation, the aim is to articulate “the necessary criminal response” by addressing “pimping in a general way, without requiring the relationship of exploitation, which leads to an unwanted restriction of the scope of the type.”
Non-legislative initiatives
On Tuesday, non-legislative initiatives will also be debated, starting with non-law proposals: one from the Popular Group, “to promote access to basic foods,” and another from the Socialist Group on the “guarantee of the application of memory policies.” democratic in Spain”.
Next, the Plenary will rule on the motions resulting from urgent interpellations: that of the Popular Group, “on the deterioration of the foreign policy of the Kingdom of Spain as a consequence of the Government's actions”; that of the VOX Group, “about the fiscal pressure that the Government is exerting on the Spanish”; and that of the Mixed Group, presented by deputy Ione Belarra, “on the evolution of military spending.” All of them will be voted on in the plenary session on Thursday.