Healthcare is a team sport
How are Minister Mónica García, Mari Carmen and her Muñecos, the poet Friedrich Hölderlin, and the
How are Minister Mónica García, Mari Carmen and her Muñecos, the poet Friedrich Hölderlin, and the
Press conference by the Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, after the meeting of the Interterritorial Health Council.
We leave you the press conference held by the state Marea Blanca, in which they included
COVID19 figures as of April 14, 2020 We have to mourn the death of 567 people. We carry a
The @opsoms set April 7 as the #WorldPublicHealthDay. Now more than ever, we demand the right to
The #8M from Spain and #Mexico with @Observalatrata_ @RedFeministaAB @CatAbolicion @pictofem @NuriaCSopena @EliudPluma @MARIAGRANADA @Tramasturies. The #ubules of the
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