“Landscape after a vaccine” by José Luis Úriz

Jose Luis

Monday, April 26, 10 in the morning, they give me the Janssen vaccine against Covid-19. As it is a single dose, it is understood that this fact added to my natural immunity, confirmed by serological analysis two months ago after having suffered from that cruel disease last March 2020, guarantees my peace of mind and the return to a certain normality.

A certain normality for two reasons, because I have to wait if that Russian roulette of side effects does not happen to me and because the rest of our society is still a long way from reaching herd immunity.

It is therefore time to continue being supportive of others, taking care of myself and taking care of myself, because against this cruel virus there are only two ways to combat it, the vaccine and good sense and institutional and social responsibility. A collective responsibility.

But I cannot deny that as the vaccine was injected into my left arm, at the same time a huge dose of tranquility entered.

Because yes, whatever the deniers say, or those who question vaccines, they provide peace of mind and are what will eventually bring us the normality we long for.

It is curious that at the same time as it entered me, the mayor of Pamplona announced the suspension of the Sanfermines 2021 for the second consecutive year.

It is a responsible and sensible measure, because at the beginning of July we will not yet be able to enjoy such interactive parties safely. We will have time to do it in the years we have left to live and for that we need to get out of this.

Now from this writing I want to continue encouraging the public powers, the government of the State and the Autonomous Communities, to continue making an immense effort so that there are millions of people like me as quickly as possible.

First of all, it is necessary that we receive as many doses as possible and then that we have all the health infrastructure activated to deliver them as quickly as possible.

To do this we must stop wasting our strength in sterile fights. When politics collides with the vaccination process, whoever causes it is committing a crime of criminal negligence and this comment has names and surnames.

Especially one, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who with her irresponsible attitude is endangering the fight against a virus that causes much damage and numerous deaths.

Enough, Mrs. Ayuso, enough of vilely using everything that has to do with the pandemic as a weapon of mass destruction, as an instrument to achieve electoral returns and wear down your opponents.

You can't imagine the damage it is causing to the citizens of Madrid and also to the rest of Spain.

I am already vaccinated, the landscape I see afterwards is much more beautiful. On the trip to my house I saw the fields of the Pamplona basin much greener and brighter despite the rain.

Finally, from these lines I once again send the message that no one can or should give up being so, that there is still some more time to continue acting with common sense and solidarity.

Vaccines, vaccines, vaccines, then more vaccines, seasoned with an attitude of solidarity.

We will see…

Signed: José Luis Úriz Iglesias (Former parliamentarian and PSN-PSOE councilor)

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