Xixón becomes the anti-gas capital of the Spanish State

Xixón becomes the anti-gas capital of the Spanish State
Xixón becomes the anti-gas capital of the Spanish State
  • The Gas No Es Solution network celebrates, from July 8 to 10, its state meeting in the Asturian city.
  • Civil society organizations will be present to debate and establish their strategy regarding fossil gas.
  • Open activities will be carried out against the opening of the illegal regasification plant in the port of El Musel.

The Gas No Es Solution network was created in 2018 to respond to the advance of gas infrastructure in Spanish territory. It brings together more than 50 social organizations, citizen groups that fight against the development of gas infrastructure on the ground, environmental organizations, political groups and people from academia.

The so-called “natural” gas industry is taking advantage of the energy situation derived from the war to promote new gas projects and reactivate others that organized citizens had managed to paralyze, such as the MidCat gas pipeline or the illegal regasification plant at the El Musel port in Xixón.

For this reason, the organizations have decided to hold their annual state meeting in the Asturian city. In order to give voice to local problems and make it clear that gas is a fossil fuel and, as such, must be abandoned in order to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement. Fossil gas, in addition to emitting CO2, is responsible for much of the increase in global methane emissions, a greenhouse gas 86 times more powerful than CO2. Not reducing its import will only worsen an already critical situation.

Furthermore, the current energy situation has shown that gas causes energy insecurity, aggravates conflicts and increases energy poverty. Gas is part of the problem and not the solution. This energy crisis situation should not be used as an excuse to increase the penetration of fossil gas. It should be interpreted as one more reason for the urgent transition to a renewable 100% system, with collective self-consumption and energy efficiency as fundamental pillars.

Gas Is Not a Solution demands that, in the face of the current global health, environmental and social emergency, the European Union and the Spanish State implement coherent solutions that accelerate climate action and do not endanger the path already traveled. They have to avoid by all means the expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure, nuclear energy and other false solutions that are being proposed these days, such as the opening of the El Musel regasification plant.

Without ever having come into operation, the plant declared illegal in 2013 has already cost more than 282 million euros, according to communications from the CNMC itself. Of which, 236.12 million euros have been in costs of remuneration of the investment to the winning company, Enagás. The remaining 46.65 million euros were for operation and maintenance expenses. These expenses have been borne by consumers.

To expand information, the Gas No Es Solution network, together with the Gijón Federation of Neighborhood Associations (FAAVV) and the Xixón Platform against Pollution, are calling a press conference for all interested media at the Xixón Trade Union House (Sanz Street Crespo, 3, 33207 Xixón, Asturias) on Friday, July 8 at 10:00.

Likewise, they announce that on Saturday, July 9, various training and advocacy activities will be scheduled on the issue of gas and its local impact.

Hosted by the Kamtxatka space of the Black Week (venue located in the Plaza Padre Máximo Gonzalez), at 7:00 p.m. a round table will be held by experts on the issue of gas at the state and local level, under the title 'El Musel at full throttle: the commitment to a fossil world'.

After the event, citizens are invited to participate in the performative burial of the degassing plant. The parade will leave from the Plaza Padre Máximo González venue at 9:00 p.m., at the door of the Black Week venue, to Plaza del Marqués, in the center of the city, where starting at 10:00 p.m. the parade will take place. concentration, reading the manifesto and a protest projection.

